PRICE, Peter Alert Me

Originally printed on December 1, 2012 in the Express and Star.
Viewed by 140 Visitors.




Passed away November 21, 2012, aged 50 years.

God gave me a Son who was the very best, with you Peter I was truly blessed, your life was one of thoughtful deeds, a helping hand you gave to others needs.

Sincere and true in heart and mind, wonderful memories you left behind, to lose someone so special is really hard to bear, it hardly seems real that you are no longer there.

Our Family chain has broken and nothing is the same, as God calls us all one by one, the chain will linkagain.

Brokenhearted Mum.



Reunited with Dad and Brother Stephen.

You were so good, so very rare, content in your home and always there, kind, unselfish, ready to aid, the dearest Brother God ever made.

You had a smile for everyone, a heart as good as gold, no one knows what you suffered because you never told.

His mind is at ease, his soul is at rest, as part of his Family I am truly blessed.

Love and miss you forever.

Sister Denise.



Sad and sudden was his call, his sudden death surprised us all. To a beautiful life came a sudden end, he died as he lived everyone's Friend. He had a nature you could not help loving, a heart far purer than gold, upright and just in all his ways, loving and kind until the end of his days.

Sadly missed.

Brother Ian.



Our hearts are broken but we know it's for the best, you are no longer in pain and resting with the best.

Loved and remembered always.

Pat and Kate.


My Brother Al

You fell asleep and made no fuss, you tried so hard to stay with us, your strength had gone but your courage remained, even at the end you never complained.

Time cannot dim the face we love, the memory of your smile, the countless things you did for us tomake our life worthwhile, a silent tear gently falls which others do not see, for a kind and gentle Brother who meant the world to me, so wrap your arms around him Lord and kiss his smiling face, for my Brother Al was someone so very, very special and can never be replaced.

Miss you forever.

Brokenhearted Sister Bev, (Jeanie) and Brother-in-law Mark.



To my lovely brave Brother (Pete Brownie) you never complained, you never gave in, you fought a battle you could not win, you wereso brave, an inspiration to us all, to the world you were one but to us you were the world.

If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever.

Love and miss you always.

Love, Sister Pauline, Brother-in-law Kevin.



Sweet are the memories, silently kept of an Uncle we loved and will never forget. In our hearts you'll eternally stay, loved and remembered every day.

Kelly and Tom.


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