Barbara Farr Alert Me

Originally printed on October 13, 2017.
Viewed by 1524 Visitors.

Barbara Farr

NAN....we didn't know!

We last seen you

on that Sunday

We didn't know

it was goodbye!

We didn't realise

that this was it

You were going to die!

If we did we would of

kissed you, held you so

very tight and told you

how much we loved you

We all knew you could fight!

On that Wednesday evening

we will never forget

that text - the one that changed our lives

forever - you were gone

and laid to rest

Our hearts are broken truly

and we don't know what

to do - but for you Nan

we will continue and

carry on just for you!

Love always and forever

Holli, Ben,

Phoebe and Max

Brett, Gem,

Millie and Livvy


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