We encourage you to contact the funeral home to verify time and location before attending services or visitation. Directions From Shrewsbury: Proceed out of town in a SW direction on the A458 going past Shelton Hospital. At the A5 round-a-bout go straight over onto the A458 (towards Welshpool). On the A458 after Ford turn right onto the B4393 (marked Lake Vyrnwy) and continue until you come to Llandrinio. You can either turn right here and continue over a cross roads into Domgay from the South, or proceed to Four Crosses where you turn right just before the main A483 junction. From Oswestry: Head out of Oswestry on to the A483 until you come to Four Crosses. Turn left onto the B4393 for 10 metres then turn first left (signposted opposite the turning - Domgay) into the local road. Proceed down this road for @ 1 1/2 miles which has a sharp right hand bend, at the fork in the road, take the right fork and Aubrey Kirkham's is 250 m on the right. From Welshpool: Proceed out of Welshpool in a NE direction on the A483 then turn right onto the B4393 at Four Crosses for 10 metres then turn first left (signposted opposite the turning - Domgay) into the local road. Proceed down this road for @ 1 1/2 miles which has a sharp right hand bend, at the fork in the road, take the right fork and Aubrey Kirkham's is 250 m on the right.